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Software localization

Software Localization with ChatGPT

We build and localize an app using ChatGPT to generate code while observing best prompting practices.
React l10n and i18n blog post featured image | Phrase

Software localization

A Guide to Date and Time Localization

We shed light on the intricacies of global dates and times, covering formatting, time zones, regional calendars, and more.
Blog post featured image | Phrase

Software localization

Next.js Localization with Format.JS/react-intl

Explore the ins and outs of localizing Next.js Pages Router apps with react-intl/Format.JS.
Software localization guide featured image | Phrase

Software localization

Pluralization: A Guide to Localizing Plurals

Learn more about how to get pluralization right in your multilingual app and ensure a smooth user experience for your global user base.
React l10n and i18n blog post featured image | Phrase

Software localization

A Deep Dive into Next.js App Router Localization with next-intl

Take a deep dive into Next.js localization using an App Router demo and next-intl. We'll explore routing, Server and Client Components, and much more.
Software localization blog category featured image | Phrase

Software localization

How to Localize SolidJS Applications with i18next

Master the art of tailoring SolidJS applications for international users by leveraging the powerful i18next library.
React l10n and i18n blog post featured image | Phrase

Software localization

A Guide to Localizing React Apps with react-intl/FormatJS

Dive deep into localizing React apps with react-intl/FormatJS and discover how Phrase Strings can help you translate your content seamlessly.
Software localization blog category featured image | Phrase

Software localization

A React I18n Experiment with Storybook and i18next

Explore how to localize React components in Storybook using i18next: Set up, localize, and configure seamlessly with our step-by-step tutorial.
Android i18n blog post featured image | Phrase

Software localization

Working with Android Per-App Language Preferences

Discover how to cater to Android users who choose a language different from the system language for a specific app and provide them with a seamless experience. 📱 🌐